Wednesday, September 29, 2010

One con to the next.

In my great eagerness to break into the world of making comics I have been jumping from one convention to another, it's going on about three weeks straight of this now. I went down to Cincinnati (40 min) Nashville (4.5 hours) and Tomorrow I'm heading out to New York (14 hours)

It's fun, but exhausting. I'm meeting a lot of great people and getting my stories into a lot of people's hands.

Sorry for the lack of story related updates, here is a picture I did of Lobo for forgiveness.

Seeing as I will have some free time in the car on drive up, I will get an Anti Hero related post up soon.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Cincinnati Comic Expo

I just returned from the the first ever Cincinnati Comic Expo, it was awesome, met many great people and got some great contacts. I'm having trouble recalling how amazing it was and then I received an email from my artist, titled concept art. I opened it up and nearly died  when I saw the amazing work
Juan Garcés ( did of my characters. Here is his Deviant Art.

Humpty Dumpty




Alpha and Wolf

My origional ideas varied slightly, but dammit if these don't look amazing.


Anti Hero

I enjoy writing, and have written many stories, only recently did I realize, 'Oh hey, I could try to make a career out of it' Since then I have pursued the idea relentlessly. I decided I will commission an artist, and get a first teaser issue made to stir up interest. I figured my best bet would be a non traditional super hero story titled "Anti Hero"

Anti Hero is a different look at super heroes.
       What if few men held all the power, what if a police force monitored the whole planet, what if extreme groups all controlled super humans, big business, the military, anarchists, and gangs, all at war, many with individual goals, but friendships, betrayals, and love are formed between factions.

Here is the page layout for the first four pages of the teaser.

Stay tuned, characters will be announced later, as well as more lay outs.


Business card

I have never been a fan of talking about myself, so I thought I'd start this blog with a quick post of my business card. I do like talking about my work.

I decided on designing the background graphic myself, I figured I was one of those lucky people who could get away with having a monster on my business card. I wanted to reveal a small story behind two characters, but be unclear on the story to draw interest. (It worked if you're reading this) I love the dynamic between a cute and hideous character. More then anything I wanted a card someone would look at, and not toss right away.

 Thanks for reading